SF Art Department is an Art Direction consultancy founded by Something Fantastic to spread ideas worth spreading. Born out of admiration for inspiring ideas, we enjoy dealing with subjects we think are important: resilience, nature, justice, communality, a certain posture, freedom, directness, simplicity, elegance. Our role often turns out to be an ambigious one between being a designer, an author, and an editor.
Clients, showcases and collaborators include the CCA, Artek, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, MIT Press, Strelka Press, The Museum of Modern Art, Vitra, Lacaton & Vassal, Ruby Press, Park Books, The German Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, The Living, Perret Schaad, Peter Swinnen, ETH Zurich, David Chipperfield Architects, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, The Onassis Foundation, Hatje Cantz, 51N4E, Museo de Arte de Rio, MAK, the Lafarge Holcim Foundation, Harvard University, Bureau N, Düsseldorfer Kunstverein, Arno Brandlhuber, City of Geneva, EPFL Lausanne, University of Luxembourg, Oana Stănescu, Experimental Foundation.
Radio-Activities, Architecture and Broadcasting in Cold War Berlin, Written by Alfredo Thiermann Risco, English, Published in: 2024, MIT Press, 384 pages, 255 x 185 mm ISBN: 978-0-2620-4870-5
I prefer not to, Peter Swinnen (Ed.), with contributions by Luc Tuymans, Christian Kerez, Something Fantastic, Anne Lacaton, Jan De Vylder, Philip Ursprung, Tom Emerson, Laurent Stalder, François Charbonnet, Anri Sala, Maarten Delbeke, Finn Williams, Arno Brandlhuber, ETH Studio Swinnen, Sophia Holst & Beatriz Van Houtte, English; Published in: 2023, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 208 pages, 110 x 178 mm, ISBN: 978-3-7533-0135-8
Protest Architecture, Barricades, Camps, Spatial Tactics 1830–2023, Oliver Elser, Anna-Maria Mayerhofer, Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Jennifer Dyck, Lilli Hollein, Peter Cachola Schmal (Eds.), English/German; Published in: 2023, Park Books, 528 pages, 108 x 168 mm, ISBN: 978-3-03860-334-4
Protest/Architecture – Barricades, Camps, Superglue, curated by Oliver Elser (Project Leader, Curator DAM) Sebastian Hackenschmidt (Curator MAK), An exhibition of the DAM – Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, and the MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna (DAM, September 16 – February 14 2024, 2023, MAK, February 14, 2024 – August 25, 2024), (Zeughaus, Teufen April 4 – June 6, 2024)
The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework, curated by Francesco Garutti, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal (September 16, 2020 – February 14, 2021)
Together! The New Architecture of the Collective, Vitra Designmuseum, Weil am Rhein (June 03 – September 10, 2017), Maison de l'Architecture, Geneva (May 10 – June 29, 2019), Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (November 21, 2020 – March 14, 2021)
SF Art Department
Gormannstr. 19, 10119 Berlin
For Inquiries, specific portfolios and job applications please write or call:
+49 30 34082126
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